Intention Pyramids make a stunning display and a beautiful addition to your shop!
Do you search for something attractive and a little different to offer your customers in your shop?
A talking point and something they haven’t really seen before?
I can work with you to supply exactly what you need for a display that is right for you without ordering through the website.
I can arrange information packs to go with your pyramid display in your shop or a digital version including photos, if your shop is online. Please get in touch and we can talk about your requirements.
Intention pyramids are always so popular at market stalls! Customers love to choose their pyramid and talk about the different types and colours that they love.
If you would like to invest in a set of pyramids to display at markets, please get in touch and I can advise on the most popular pyramids you should take.
Would like to start your own pyramid business, or even add these products to your own business?
Do you love social media and feel these would be perfect to start selling from home?
I can help you get started and work with you personally to ensure your customers are receiving exactly what they need.
Order directly from me and I can coach you personally as to which pyramids you could recommend to your clients so they get the most benefit from each one.

Get in touch to have a chat about what I do and if it’s right for you too!